Houseleague Championship Tournament March 7-8, News, Giant Tiger Grizzlies, Scotiabank PeeWee HL, 2014-2015 (South Muskoka Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 17, 2015 | lmccormack | 671 views
Houseleague Championship Tournament March 7-8
All divisions of houseleague will play in a round robin tournament on Saturday March 7th, final games for all divisions  (1st & 2nd) to be played on Sunday March 8th. Muskoka Rock houseleague teams are joining us for the weekend. Houseleague banquet to follow the final game on Sunday March 8th at 5pm at the Sportsplex.

Full tournament schedule can be found under the tournament tab on the home page, click on "Houseleague Championship" then choose divisions/schedule. Games will be played in both the Gravenhurst and the Bracebridge arenas. South Muskoka families are responsible for working the time clock/game sheets for their own games. All player jerseys are required to be handed in at the end of the championship tournament. The last scheduled practice of the season is on Thursday March 12th.