T'was the nights before Hespler, News, Cavalcade Bantam Rep, U15 (2006-2007), 2015-2016 (South Muskoka Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 24, 2015 | dmarling | 1024 views
T'was the nights before Hespler
T'was the night before Christmas,
when all through the rink.
Not a player was stirring,
not even the ones you would think;......

The equipment was hung
throughout the house with care,
In hopes that it will be dry
soon the tournament will be here;

The players were all nestled
all snug in their beds,
While visions of Coach Blum
danced in their heads;

Mamma Dowling with her tea
and Tim with his cap,
they had just sat down
for a long hockey chat.;

When out on the lawn
there arose such a clatter,
Tim sprang from the chair
to see what was the matter.

Away to the window
Tim flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters
and threw up the sash;

When, what to his wondering eyes
should appear,
But a Cavalcade Ford Sleigh
and 17 Bantam Team Players;

With coaches as drivers,
so lively and quick,
Tim knew in a moment
it must be Dan, Skeeter, Shawn and Wilf;

More rapid than eagles
the closer they came,
they whistled and shouted
and called the players by name;

"Now, Shayner! now Kristofer!
now, Joel and Preston!
On, Cole! on! Tyler
on, Josh and Brennan!

Now, Conor! now, Connor!
now, Jack and Keegan!
On, Travis! on, Tyler!
on, Max, Brad and Ryan!

To the top of the standings
to the top of them all!
Now skate away! cycle away!
system away all!"

So on to Hespler
the team they flew,
With the sleigh full of equipment
and confidence too;

And then, while mingling,
Tim heard through the roof,
the skating, the working
and each player with proof;

As Dan drew in his hand,
and was turning around,
again our team came,
in with a bound;

Dan was impressed,
from his head to his feet.
His team were all polished,
watching the game was a treat;

Wilf's eyes -- how they twinkled!
watching the 'D'
his defenceman were on point,
just wait, you will see;

Even though Skeeter's mouth,
was drawn up like a bow.
He made sure he said no injuries,
as we don't have any snow;

Shawn's wink of his eye
and twist of his head,
Soon gave parents to know
they had nothing to dread;

Tim laying his finger
aside of his nose,
And giving a nod,
they do not smell like a rose.

Dan sprang to the sleigh
to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew
like the down of a thistle.

But Tim heard them exclaim,
as they drove out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a good-night."
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