Local League - VOLUNTEER BENCH STAFF (South Muskoka Minor Hockey Association)

Please complete the following sections to the best of your knowledge.
Please complete this form if you are interested in helping with ANY volunteer position within U5 - U18 Local League divisions for the 2024/2025 season. We thank you for your interest.

I understand I may be required to have a quick interview for the position. Completing this application does not guarantee me the volunteer position.   

Requirements:   Interested people should be a minimum of 14 years of age and show an commitment in being a part of a team.  Previous experience is not a requirement for a volunteer position, but taking a course(s) and having an up to date VSS (police back ground check) for a position are required.  SMMHA will be happy to reimburse those who commit to a team,  for the cost of any required courses.  

Personal Information

Please complete all requested information. Thank you.

Level Interest

Please check all that apply

Volunteer Interest & Experience

Please select all that apply.

Additional Information

Please complete the section below if you have any further questions or comments that have not been covered in the questions above.