Coaching Applications for Select U9, U11, U18 ONLY (South Muskoka Minor Hockey Association)

Coaching Applications for Select U9, U11, U18 ONLY
SMMHA is now accepting applications for Select U9, U11 & U18 Coaching positions for the 2024-2025 season. Please complete and submit this form if you are interested in coaching a Select Team for SMMHA. Applications will be accepted until 12:00 pm on November 15th, 2024 - **FOR U9, U11 & U18 only **. Please complete a separate coaching application for each age division. If you have any questions please contact Chris Ledsham: [email protected]





The South Muskoka Minor Hockey Association and the Ontario Minor Hockey Association identifies the standard of behaviour which is expected of all South Muskoka Minor Hockey members and participants, which for the purpose of this policy shall include all players, parents, coaches, officials, volunteers, directors, officers, committee members, convenors, team managers, trainers, administrators, and employees involved in any and all South Muskoka Minor Hockey Association or Ontario Minor Hockey activities and events.


The South Muskoka Minor Hockey Association (S.M.M.H.A.) and the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (O.M.H.A.) is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with courtesy and respect. Members and participants of the SMMHA. shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the text of the SMMHA and O.M.H.A. constitutions and operating manuals.


SMMHA. members and participants shall at all times adhere to the SMMHA. and O.M.H.A. operational policies and procedures, rules and regulations governing all SMMHA and O.M.H.A events and activities in which any member or participant is involved  in said event.


During the course of all SMMHA. activities and events, members and participants shall avoid behaviour, which interferes with competition or with any player or teams preparation for a competition, or which endangers the safety of others. The use of alcohol and/or non-medical drugs by participants or members is strictly prohibited.


Members or participants of SMMHA. shall refrain from comments or behaviours, which are disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist.  In particular, behaviour, which Constitutes harassment or abuse will not be tolerated. Such acts will be dealt with under O.M.H.A. Harassment and Abuse Policy (Section 1.0, page 114 in the O.M.H.A. Manual of Operations). Criminal sanctions may also be sought.


Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Discipline Policy of the O.M.H.A. and SMMHA Such action may result in the member or participant losing all privileges, which come with membership in the SMMHA., O.M.H.A., Canadian Hockey Association, Ontario Hockey Federation in these events and activities, both present and future.


Order of operations:

Coach is selected by SMMHA as per current process.

Before the coach confirms acceptance of the position, they must agree to the following conditions.

·         A player Selections Committee is formed by the SMMHA board member that holds the position of Player development.

·         The Player Development director, will be responsible for selecting candidates to sit on the Player development Committee.

·         The SMMHA board will approve the list of non-board candidates to sit on the Player Selection Committee.

o        Note: These committee members could consist of excoaches or knowledgeable hockey people within the community.

·         Committee members must be deemed to have no vested interest or stake within the team they are helping select.

·         This Committee should also be in place before the coaches are selected.
The coach must fully understand that no additional support staff who has a player trying out for the team (asst. coaches, trainer, manager) will be approached or in place until the final selections are made by the coach and the Player Selection Committee. Non parent staff may be approached and require approval from the selection committee.

·         The player Selection Committee will assist the coach in the selection of their respective teams.

·         The coach will have final decision on the selection process of the players.




Oversee and be responsible for all aspects of the day to day operation of the assigned hockey team; ensuring that the objectives of the Association as stated in the Bylaws and Constitution of the SMMHA and the Manual of Operations of the O.M.H.A. are met. Be a spokesman for the team, represent the team at all meetings and functions.

This position requires a Level of Certification as stated in the O.M.H.A. Manual of Operations. The position will report to the Director of said division(s), and or the Board of Directors.

Interested applicants will be required to submit a Coaching Application (completed) as well as attending a interview if necessary. A minimum of 10 hours a week of time can be expected to fulfill the obligations of this position



  • Seasonal Goals and Objectives - establish seasonal goals and objectives for the teams progress.
  • Be a role model for your players in reference to appropriate behaviour towards officials, other coaches, players and members.
  • Meet with parents of athletes at least 3 times per year, and at pre-season meeting, outline philosophies, ice time playing time and other aspects of your plan.
  • Demonstrate a sincere effort in helping each athlete to maximize his or her potential.



  • Teach the necessary hockey skills for the age group as outlined in the NCCP Coaching Course.
  • Develop a seasonal plan
  • Teach skills using the proper sequences and progressions, recognize that athletes differ in learning and readiness to learn, and that learning requires the acquisition of skills and attitudes. This requires patience and perseverance of the coach.
  • Teach more than just hockey skills


  • Plan effective practices (seasonal plan should have practice outline).
  • Select support staff that meets the Association standard and approval and will provide maximum benefit for you and the players.
  • Seek the assistance of the parents and players in running the activities of your program (e.g. team or parent liaison).



  • Hold regular player and parent meetings (minimum of 3).
  • File an end of season report for convenor or director.



  • Review safety action plan for team with trainer
  • Ensure that all ice and dressing room activities have adult supervision (two or more, never just one person)
  • Report any arena deficiencies to Association Executive.
  • Review players equipment on a regular basis for defects and advise parents
  • Monitor rehabilitation of injured athletes and ensure medical clearance prior to return to play
  • Report any player abuse to Executive
  • Maintain communication with Executive, to ensure that the Association can assist in the resolution of difficulties at an early stage, and improve overall hockey program on an ongoing basis.



SMMHA accepts its significant responsibilities to its vulnerable clients.

This Association owes a duty of care to its clients, to staff, and to the community. Acceptance of this duty will be reflected in all Association programs, services and activities, as well as in its policies and procedures.

SMMHA recognizes that some of the positions in the Association are of significant trust. People applying for and undertaking positions of trust will be subject to more initial and ongoing screening and supervision than individuals in placements, which are not positions of trust.

Every Volunteer with SMMHA must provide a valid Vulnerable Sector Screening through the OHF for the 2024/2025 season.

SMMHA will not discriminate against any person on the basis of these grounds (age, race, sex, marital status, etc.) during their coach select process.

Individuals with Criminal Code convictions or charges pending for certain offences might not be accepted for a direct service position with vulnerable clients.

Individuals with Criminal Code convictions or charges pending for the Following offences will not be considered for any position within this Association.

Applying For

Personal Info

NCCP Certification

Coaching Résumé - Previous Team 1

Coaching Resume - Previous Team 2

Coaching Questions

Coaching Resume - References