We are now accepting nominations for our 2025/2026 SMMHA Board of Directors…
Volunteering for the Board is a fantastic way to give back to the community and support youth to learn, develop and play a sport they love. The following positions and terms are up for nominations:
Vice President - 2 year term
Treasurer - 2 year term
Registrar - 1 year term
Director OMHA - 2 year term
Director Ice Scheduler - 2 year term
Director Tournaments - 1 year term
Director off ice officials and volunteer coordinator - 1 year term
Director of Player Development - 1 year term
Director Equipment - 1 year term
Director Sponsorship - 1 year term
Director Public Relations & Marketing - 1 year term
Director Local League U18 & Below - 2 year term
Nominations will remain open until February 15th @ 11:59pm and Elections will be held during a General Meeting February 26th @ 6:30pm at the Muskoka Lumber Community Centre - Auditorium. We invite you to attend the elections meeting as the board and those in attendance from the membership, we will be voting in our new board members.
All new board members will shadow current board members for the remainder of the season. This will involve attending our monthly board meetings and learning the positions. Once we hold our AGM, new board members will assume full duties and voting capabilities.
All positions are outlined in the Manual of Operations found HERE under Section 11. Please review the list and see what interests you, we would be excited to have you join our team!
Nominate someone for a board position HERE
Find a list of candidates that have accepted a nomination HERE