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For one hundred dollars your company name will appear on a sign and be placed at the tee blocks or beside the green of one of the holes on the golf course. Your company name will appear on the golf rules sheet, the fundraiser program and in our card of thanks to be printed in the community newspapers following the fundraiser.
This money will be used to purchase insurance for 4 large prizes to be given out in the event one of the participants sinks an ace. Options are $10,000 cash prize, Vacations, vehicles etc. Your company name will be displayed at the hole along with the prize. It will appear of the rule sheet given to each golfer, the fundraiser program and also mentioned during ceremonies prior to dinner. Your company name will also be displayed in our card of thanks to be printed in the community newspapers following the fundraiser. Cheque made payable to SMMHA - Hockey
For five hundred dollars your company logo and name will be displayed on the front of each golf cart participating in the tournament as well as on the rule sheet given to each golfer and the fundraiser program. Your company will also receive a special thanks during the dinner ceremonies as well as appearing in the card of thanks to be printed in the community newspapers following the fundraiser.
For one thousand dollars your company will be the official dinner sponsor of the fundraiser with your company logo and name being displayed during the dinner and silent auction. Your company will also be recognized on the official rule sheet, fundraiser program and a sign at the taboo clubhouse for the day. Your company name will also be included in the card of thanks to be printed in the community newspapers following the fundraiser.
Your company’s silent auction item with be displayed in the Boathouse restaurant throughout the day along with your company name beside the item. Your company will be included in the fundraiser program as well as the card of thanks to be printed in the community newspapers following the fundraiser.
Round of Golf plus cart, dinner, prizes, auction- $150 per player/ $600 per foursome Dinner only at the Boathouse Restaurant and Silent Auction- $50 per person
Cost $150 which includes Golf, Cart, Dinner, Prizes & Silent Auction
Cost For a Foursome is $600 which includes Golf, Cart, Dinner, Prizes & Silent Auction
Cost for dinner only is $50 Dinner & Silent Auction